MeGaN's PaGe!

Monday, February 4, 2008

how is chemistry interesting?

Well lets see....What would we do with out chemistry.....I really dont know
Chemistry is interesting to me in the following ways:
1. Medicine- Well medicine and vitamins are the combination of different elements and chemicals. ex. calcium tablets
2. Food- Ex. soda is caffeine. Someone had to mix elements together to make it. Read the nurition facts on the back of a box. zinc-; calcium-; etc.
3. Electricty and especially batteries. What would we do without batteries. Cars? Cells? iPods? Digital Cameras? we would be extremely bored.
4. Believe it or not fireworks invole chemistry. The color of the fireworks and the sound is all reactions like (combustions) in the sky. that is sooooo coool!
5. Jewlry chemistry- what you can wear a braclet and your wrist will stop hurting? what? ha

I thought the coolest thing I found was on jewlry chemistry. First off if you are wearing gold, silver, copper, or bronze, you are wearing elements. But even cooler, there is jewlry that has been said to make you feel better. There are copper braclets for people with arthritus. It has been proven that when people wear these braclets, they feel relief from their pain. This is so cool because you wear a peice of jewlry and it makes you feel better. (what more could my grandmother possibly want?) Magnetic jewlry was even used back in the 200BC times with Egyptian and Chinese healers. There are anklets, bracklets, necklaces all suppose to help you. Wearing something magnetic around a broken wrist or ankle has been proved to help the healing process. It speeds up the production of new cells. Magnetic jewlry has been said to help arthritus, tennis elbow, tendonitus, and so much more! Yay chemistry!
commented on nick, ash, and kate


Anonymous said...

why didn't anyone tell me that when i had tendonitis?

phil said...

thats awesome that means i that if i ever have any type of wrist/ankle pain i can feel better and still look good

Will Lounsbury said...

about the jewelry, there is this necklace/bracelet that atheletes where to relieve pain( and if you are interested in fireworks there is this show on the discovery channel called how it made and i have seen a program on fireworks. it was very interesting! good ideas

Kallie Fehr said...

FOOOOOOD definitely has a lot to do with chemistry and it is really important. Maybe, in a long time (at least after our generation cause I wouldn't like this) scientists could figure out a way to only have healthy, but good tasting food. Unrealistic, but we can always dream. It would be even better if they could make broccoli taste like the huge, fatty, but amazing crab pretzel at the Chesapeake Inn. Electricity definitely is very important to us nowadays which is a little sad (even though I take full advantage of it too). If we lived in the olden days, we would have no electricity, but we'd be freezing, using carry-able lamps, and who knows what else. Electricity definitely helps us, and even though it does bring some unecessary things into our life, you have to admit that they have some use. Think about it, how many people do you think have used their cellphones in emergencies and been saved and your camera may help you take a quick snapsot of an escaping villain.