MeGaN's PaGe!

Monday, December 10, 2007

assignment one

Hmmn....where to begin with honors chem?? Well first off I love it! Even though Bio was really easy I like chemistry better because it seems to use more math. (Which I am amazing with! haha) I love the atmosphere that Mrs. Vosburgh creates. First off, the chairs are really fun to spin and roll around in. Second off, the labs are actually meaning full and fun. (I like burning the observation sheet) Finally, since it is a small sized class we have the opportunities to go into more depth on different concepts. I also like the fact that when I do not understand something, I do not feel dumb asking a question. Everyone in the class is really cool about listening and helping you when you do not understand something. Even though we goof off a little in class, we learn so much. I do not think I would have done as well in term one with a different atmosphere/ teacher! The thing that I will try to do better in the following terms is pay attention to little detail. I expect term 2 and 3 will be just as good, if not better, than term 1. Can't wait! =P


PED said...

I agree that using more math is better, and burning observations is definitely the best part of chemistry

Anonymous said...

Hey Megan
I agree with your post, not only is chem great, but the chairs are very fun to spin in haha. =] Keep up the good work

Kallie Fehr said...

I would like to say that I like the chairs, burning the observation sheets, the labs, and the more math that is used. I also agree with you that I like the atmosphere of the class. Usually I'm self-conscious when asking a question in class, but the vibe of our chem class takes that nervousness away.

Reiss said...

I think your blog looks great and I agree with your post about the chairs.