MeGaN's PaGe!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

sorry i forgot

Sorry Mrs. V! I forgot to say who i commented on. Hmmn I commented on Kate, Reiss, and Rogelio!

assignment 2

How does chemistry actually help and apply to the 'real world'? With all of the advances in technology, chemistry is beneficiary to the world in many ways. One example, is heating and cooling packs. These can be used to relax muscles or cut down on the swelling of and injury. These packs can also be used to help store food! Another example of 'good chemistry' is for photography and lighting. This can be used for taking pictures on a digital camera or lighting up a house. They can also be used in helping radiologists take x-rays to look for broken bones, cancer, and a lot more. Next, chemistry is used to treat unhealthy water so places like India and Africa can have better drinking water to avoid AIDS and HIV. Chemistry has also improved good hygiene. With soap, body wash, dish soap, detergent and products for disinfecting things, the world has become a lot healthier, because we can now cut down on the number of germs around us. Finally, I think the most important thing chemistry helps us is in medicines. Chemistry is used to treat breast cancer, leukemia, and other diseases that kill people every year. With the help of chemistry we are able to cure some diseases and help get over sicknesses. Though chemistry can be used for bad things (nuclear bombs = [ ) it helps the world in infinite ways.

The ideas that I like the most have to be medicine treatment, good hygiene. All of the examples listed above can in some way or another deal with health. Since I want to become a doctor I like that their are so many medicines available for treatment, and there are also many ways to help prevent getting sick. Personally, i have been tested and my immune system is not great. (my IGG and IGA are low [but you probably do not know what I am talking about]) I usually get bronchitis and/or pneumonia 4-6 times a year for at least 3 weeks. For the past year I have been visiting A.I. Dupont Hospital For Children to figure out my problems. With new technology, such as photography, they have found out that I am missing a sinus cavity. They have also discovered that my immunoglobins are lower than normal. This information can help me find out why I am sick all the time, therefore preventing from either getting worse when I am sick, or preventing me from getting sick at all (that would be a miracle =]). Though I appreciate chemistry in a very personal way, everyone should appreciate the fact that it IS making the world a better place. <3

Monday, December 10, 2007

assignment one

Hmmn....where to begin with honors chem?? Well first off I love it! Even though Bio was really easy I like chemistry better because it seems to use more math. (Which I am amazing with! haha) I love the atmosphere that Mrs. Vosburgh creates. First off, the chairs are really fun to spin and roll around in. Second off, the labs are actually meaning full and fun. (I like burning the observation sheet) Finally, since it is a small sized class we have the opportunities to go into more depth on different concepts. I also like the fact that when I do not understand something, I do not feel dumb asking a question. Everyone in the class is really cool about listening and helping you when you do not understand something. Even though we goof off a little in class, we learn so much. I do not think I would have done as well in term one with a different atmosphere/ teacher! The thing that I will try to do better in the following terms is pay attention to little detail. I expect term 2 and 3 will be just as good, if not better, than term 1. Can't wait! =P